Automotive CV - 2018 backwards
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Other projecs:
As a student I developed the gear ratio calculation software for Martin Wimmer and Reinhold Roth, both drivers in the world championship 250cc. At that time the gearbox could be swapped and each gear ratio was tuned to each track and to weather condition needs. The software helped to find the best compromise out of endless combinations available.
We bought a factory in Denmark!
I raised 1,1M€ funding through Vaeksfonden and Sudbank, for a Danish ApS-subsidiary of a German manufacturer. Unfortunately the ApS project has been stopped after the difficult last years.
Current project. My concept and package. Details not to be enrolled yet.
Voluntary support of an airship project, occasionally but ongoing, not only hardware, but business strategies.
With its battery products, Clean Energy Global develops, produces and distributes effective and affordable commercial storage systems and smart exchangeable batteries for storing green electricity from solar and wind power plants. Clean Energy Global enables its B2B customers to offer Battery-as-a-Service with smart energy storage systems in an intelligent battery cloud. This solution is protected by years of expertise and numerous German property rights (patents, utility models and registered designs).
ODeCon engineering GmbH specialises in additive manufacturing technologies, laser technology, precision machines and toolmaking. The expertise behind the development of the world's fastest metal 3D printer with laser cladding technology comes from our founder Oliver Schulte.
Currently this book is available in German only.
After so many pitches from both sides, I thought I might write this book. It is on one hand a compact summary of what a start up needs to think about, but also a critical view on all kind of investors. My view is, that pitch events a really degrading and serve the purpose of entertainment. Then most start ups are spin-offs that do not deserve the name startup.
I need to add, that I might need an update for the book giving more detail about teaser and AIDA concept, as 98% of the advise you find via web search is „problem - solution - ….“ and totally boring.